Juyeong Shin,
Bachelor Candidate

Juyeong Shin, Bachelor Candidate

Motto and Passion

Learning, Thinking, Solution, Practice

Thinking about the explanation with grounds

Knowledge Processing, Representation, Sharing

Existentialism, Humanism, Kategorischer Imperativ, 仁

Friedrich Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, Immanuel Kant, 孔子

Knowing the difference and not evaluating


Computer Science & Engineering, Kyung Hee Univ.

Software Engineer, Data & Knowledge Engineering Lab.

Email: bl4angel20@khu.ac.kr / bl4angel20@gmail.com

SNS: Instagram / Facebook / GitHub / Google Scholar

Location: Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Republic of Korea


  • Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea, Bachelor Candidate, 2019.03 – 2026.02
    • GPA: 3.6 / 4.3
  • Gumi High School Science Department, Republic of Korea, High School Diploma, 2016.03 – 2019.02

Work Experience

  • 2022.04 – 2026.02: Data & Knowledge Engineering Labortory, Kyung Hee University, Research Intern
  • 2022.09 – 2022.12: T.G.WinG Machine Learning Study, Lecturer
  • 2022.06 – 2022.07: Samsung SDS Machine Learning Lecture, Production of Practice Materials


Main Projects

  • Development of Graph DBMS Technology for Intelligent High Speed Processing of Large Graphs, 2021 - 2024
    • Supervision: Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation
    • Role: Research Intern (2022 - 2024)
      • Investigate existing studies for large graph integration
      • Supports large graph learning engine design

Toy Projects

  • Domestic Stock Followup Service, 2024
    • Python, bs4, selenium, node.js, crontab, MySQL, Hadoop, Spark, Github Flow, AWS EC2, AWS RDS
  • Distributed GraphSAGE Training using DistDGL and K8s, 2023
    • Ubuntu(WSL), NFS, Docker, K8s, Python, PyTorch, DGL
  • Jekyll Minimal Mistakes Blog Customizing, 2022 -
    • Ruby, Jekyll, node.js, Firebase, GitHub
  • IoT Doorlock with Elevator, 2018
    • C, Arduino, Serial, SPI, RFID, BlueTooth


Awards and Honors

  • Excellence Student Award in Yong-In Studies Class
    • Yong-In Special City, 2023
  • Excellence Award in Undergraduate Paper Contest
    • Korea Software Congress, 2023
  • Top Award in Undergraduate Paper Contest
    • Korea Software Congress, 2022

Research Interests

  • Vector Database / Parallel Computing / Distributed Computing

Study Interests

  • Web Application Service / Computer Vision / Natural Language Processing / Graph Convolutional Network



  • 2023 Korea Software Congress
  • 2022 Korea Software Congress